Commin Soon….
Software Defined Networks
Commin Soon….
Welcome to Openstack. I am writing this series in 7 parts as I try to cover all the components with fair level of details. In this episode lets go through Installation process via PACKSTACK. OpenStack is a stack of open source software that service providers can use to setup and run their cloud compute and storage infrastructure. Different Components of Openstack: 1) Block Storage (Cinder) 2) Compute (Nova) 3) Dashboard…
Project_Frequently_Used_Command ( Generic commands)
Handy commands while working on Openstack Project with RHOSP10 and RHOSP 16 environment and HP Switches environment Command used when the introspection fails on RHOSP sudo podman restart ironic_conductor 2. Command to check PCS status on all controllers from director using loop. IP= Controllers ip address . IP=”″ for i in $IP; do ssh heat-admin@$i “hostname; sudo pcs status”; done 3. Validating JSON file python3 -m json.tool instack.json…