Handy commands while working on Openstack Project with RHOSP10 and RHOSP 16 environment and HP Switches environment
- Command used when the introspection fails on RHOSP
sudo podman restart ironic_conductor
2. Command to check PCS status on all controllers from director using loop. IP= Controllers ip address .
IP="" for i in $IP; do ssh heat-admin@$i "hostname; sudo pcs status"; done
3. Validating JSON file
python3 -m json.tool instack.json
4. Check the Openstack Version (On Director)
cat /etc/rhosp-release rpm -qf /etc/rhosp-release
5. Check interfaces connected to compute and controller.
openstack baremetal node list
openstack baremetal introspection interface list 3c256b26-77bd-4df5-bfe8-4c719414b00c
6. VM on Compute node, With overcloudrc sourcing
openstack server list --all-projects --long -c "Availability Zone" -c "Name" -c "Host" -c "Status" -c "Power State" |egrep "Availability|\+|overcloud-computeims-2"

7. Copy the Certificate on Cisco MME VM’s when the synchronization fails
8. HSS manually killing process (Jeevan )
for i in nodea.AAA viewprocs.sh | awk '{print $1}' I awk '/^[0-9]+$/ {print $0}' ; do kill -9 $i ; done